오늘 귀리 선물 시세 그래프 [년월주일] CBOT: ZO Oats Futures prices chart
귀리 선물 Oats Futures (CBOT: ZO)
Product Code: CME Globex: ZO, CME ClearPort: O, Clearing: O
Contract Unit: 5,000 bushels
Price Quotation : U.S. dollars and cents per bushel
Minimum Price Fluctuation: 1/4 of one cent (0.0025) per bushel = $12.50
Settlement Method: Deliverable
Listed Contracts: Monthly contracts (Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Dec) listed for 10 months and 1 additional Jul and 1 additional Sep contract listed in September
Last Delivery Date: Second business day following the last trading day of the delivery month.
Termination of Trading: Trading terminates on the business day prior to the 15th day of the contract month.
Trading Hours: Sunday – Friday, 7:00 p.m. – 7:45 a.m. CT and Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 1:20 p.m. CT