영국 천연가스 선물 시세 그래프 : 해외선물 차트 [년월주일] FUTs, ICE EUROPE ICEU:GWM UK Natural Gas Futures prices chart

영국 천연가스 선물 UK Natural Gas Futures (ICE EU : GWM) :
상품코드 : Trading Screen Product Name: UK Natural Gas Futures. Trading Screen Hub Name: NBP. Codes: Clearing Admin Name: IPE Nat Gas. Physical: M. Logical: GWM
계약단위 : 1,000 therms of natural gas per day (1 therm = 29.3071 kilowatt hours)
호가단위 : The contract price is in Sterling and pence per therm
최소가격변동폭 : 0.01 pence/therm
일간변동폭제한: None