중국주식 SSE: 600919 강소은행 주식 시세 주가 차트 - 월간 주간 일간 차트 江蘇銀行 Bank of Jiangsu Stock price charts
SSE: 600919 강소은행 江蘇銀行 Bank of Jiangsu Co., Ltd.: 중국 강소성에 본부를 둔 지방 상업은행. 개인 및 기업 금융업무. 產業: 金融. 公司類型: 上市公司. 江蘇省內最大的地方性股份制商業銀行. Segments: Corporate Banking, Retail Banking, Treasury Business. Private banking - investment, financing, wealth management, loans, etc. Corporate banking - deposits, project financing, wealth management, inward and outward remittance, export documentary collection and credit, import payment agency, and package loans, L/C advice, money market, fixed income, foreign exchange, M&A, reorganization, structured financing, bond market, securitization, corporate loan, trade financing, finance leasing, guarantee, remittance and settlement, securities agency, credit card, repurchase transaction, derivatives trading services, debt instrument investment services etc. Website: www.jsbchina.cn