중국 주식 SSE: 000001 상해 종합 주가 지수 그래프, 상증종지 장단기 차트 - 월간 주간 일간 그래프 上证综指 IDX, SSEC : Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index chart

상해증권거래소 종합주가지수 (SSEC : Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index): 상해증권거래소에 상장되어 거래되는 내국인 전용 A주식과 내외국인 공용 B주식을 모두 통합하여 산출하는 종합주가지수이다. A stock market index of all stocks (A shares and B shares) that are traded at the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Calculated using a Paasche weighted composite price index formula. That means that the index is based on a base period on a specific base day for its calculation and the base day for SSE Composite Index is December 19, 1990, and the base period is the total market capitalization of all stocks of that day. The Base Value is 100. The index was launched on July 15, 1991.